Article about the Israeli-American collaboration in Falluja

T he recent martyrdom of approximately 1600 inhabitants fallen in the historical Iraqi Sunnite city of Falluja, including a certain number of resistant Iraqis and foreigners, killed during the battle against the Imperialist invaders, wasn’t only the work of the U.S. Army. In the indomitable city, infact, where still today in reality, many pockets of the legitimate Resistance exist, during the last recent big battle also an important contingent of the Israeli soldiers have played an intense role, including rabbis with dual nationality, who were responsible for a siege which, even in the Middle Ages would have been considered to be cruel for the way in which it was carried out, creating problems also for the Red Half Moon and for the Red Cross which would have wanted to bring medical care to the desperate inhabitants ( apart from the difficulty caused also to the creation of journalistic reportage in the city, which infact mostly regard the inhabitants of the city who are forced to flee to the refugee camps on the city’s outskirts.) The news of the presence of approximately 100 officials, plus a certain number of paramilitary soldiers, snipers, apart from 37 rabbis of the Jewish Army, has been confirmed both by the Arab newspaper Al Hayat on 22nd November 2004 and also by the Israeli daily newspaper Ha’aretz, apart from the New York Times where Rabbi Irving Nelson has invited other “Battling Rabbis” to enrol themselves in the U.S. Armed Forces. However, many Jewish soldiers were killed by members of the Resistance at Falluja, including an official. Agents at Mossad are sent from Tel Aviv to eliminate local scientists and to create divisions between Shiites and Sunnites in the Arab population, apart from between Arabs and Curds (these latter ones are prevailingly Sunnites, as are about ⅓of the Arab Iraqis. All this sheds a particularly sinister light on the latest dramatic events which have sadly followed in Iraq, also given the presence of John Negroponte, the U.S. ambassador in Baghdad, who already in Latin America was renown for the State terrorist operations which he carried out in such a way as to make it look as if it was the work of his political enemies. Infact, according to the most accredited analyses, a co-ordination between the U.S. Army and the Israelis in Iraq has been enforced, where the latter has even shown themselves to be “more realistic than the King”, trying to decide alone their own aims, based on the fact that the Yankees act in a way that is not very decisive indeed, consequently not succeeding in keeping order (a main part of the country is, infact, in the hands of the Resistance). Amongst the Zionist projects is that of planting oleoducts that start in Iraq and reach as far as Haifa, by way of Jordan. For Tel Aviv too, as for Washington, the war has been and is favourable of oil, other than to weaken one of the most vital nations in the Arab world from the point of view of the ideals of its people and of scientific technical development. Many shadows on the role of the Israeli-American Secret services are lengthening also due to some terrorist attacks against Christian places of worship in Iraq, which, according to the most detailed analyses it is possible to see a Zionist-Atlantic matrix ( as regards this, even the famous author George Haddad, originally from Lebanon but he then moved to Bulgaria has expressed himself on the topic of Al Hayat in an interview published on 10th December 2004). The Christians in Iraq, who are infact not ex-Muslims, but are communities which had already evolved during the first centuries of Christianity and are, furthermore, Arabs, even if there are some who are of Armenian origins and from the Curd and Assyrian ethnic groups. Their relationships with Muslims from the point of view of religious co-existence have historically been and still are today – excellent. The Christian Iraqis from Saddam Hussein’s era had a better position than that of the Shiites (The very Tareq Aziz, originally from Mossul, is a Christian Arab, a Catholic of the Calder rite). Furthermore, the terrorist attacks on churches does not make sense for the Islamic people, also for religious reasons: apart from the fact that already the very prophet Mahomet assured religious freedom to Christians and that Jesus Christ is, yes, a Christian character of reference but he is also considered to be a prophet of Islam, according to the Koran, the very mother of Jesus, Mary is a saint and has therefore a place in Paradise. There are also other figures of common reference to Christianity and Islam, amongst which John the Baptist. Another element which induces us to consider that we must fish into the mind of the latest events is given by the circumstance that the very Iraq collaborationist Prime Minister, Iyad Allawi has been indicated as the assassin of 6 insurgents also by the American journalist of the New Yorker, John Lee Anderson and confirmed by an ex-Minister of Jordan. The U.S. witness, who also tells of a 7th person, who has survived the gunshot wound to the head caused by Allawi, also affirms that he shares the gesture of the politician, given that it deals with terrorists as he says, and therefore, for those men, death was preferable, given that they had been tortured…. Furthermore, the role of the Iraqi Atlantics of the Allawi group is confirmed also by the journalist of the Repubblica Guido Rampoldi, even if it caused unjustified and contorted controversies. Here is Rampoldi’s statement:”Allawi cannot be reduced to that “CIA spy” of whom certain gallow-birds speak in a very nasty tone of voice with sectors of the European radical left-wing group. Not that he had not had, for many years, an intense relationship with the CIA and the British MI6 and if the very CIA had piloted the election of Allawi to the position of Prime Minister, how is it possible then, that the choice has been discovered to have been cautious.” The same judge which should have tried Saddam Hussein, a certain Chalabi (a relative of Ahmed Chalabi, a well-known Iraqi recruited by the CIA has been removed from his position due to the fact that he was an assassin… On the other hand, it has been confirmed that Mossad had organised bloody terrorist attacks against the same Jews of Iraq, in order to convince them to leave the country and to transfer themselves to the lands usurped by the Palestinians, in order to increase the colonialism of the Zionist population, who are symbolised by the same Israeli flag, where the 2 horizontal stripes represent the “derelict” borders that for the Imperialistic Jewish aspirations should have the Zionist state, and therefore the Nile and the Euphrates. Without forgetting that for a certain Messianism the dominion of the Israelis should become world-wide (an ideology expressed above all in the Talmud, in the Book of the Jubilees, in the Midrash and also elsewhere). However, there is nothing surprising from the moment that on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance, in theory presented in order to warn against war crimes ( and in reality used in a filoZionist and racial instrumental sense by the guarantors of the new world-wide unrest) presenting themselves as examples of virtue are statements made by Elie Wiesel, a Jewish author and journalist born in Transylvania, who “ to never forget”( evidently with feelings of rancour) declares: “ One should not bereave for the death of Arafat” and furthermore:” Bush is a pacifist who would never cause a war in the Middle East”. Is it that the last statement is only the fruit of a generous illusion, clearly contradicted by the facts? Naturally the attack on Iraq unfortunately has taken place but Wiesel is not disappointed, saying that he is in favour of it and comparing the Iraqi resistance members with the German Nazis by him unjustly and indiscriminately defined as terrorists. Wiesel infact states that, since the German Nazis had killed 6 million Jews in gas chambers, firing squads and through medical experiments, Israel has the right to attack in advance also those who they might think are threatening them. Here however, is the keystone which explains the compunction of the degrading statements of Wiesel, an ex-prisoner of the Auschwitz concentration camp. Infact, Sergio Romano explains: ”The memory of the genocide continues to be the land upon which the Jewish religion and the left-wing can meet and collaborate. For the Jews, the memory of the Nazi massacres is a shield against future persecutions. For the left-wing, it is the “evidence” that the “Stomach of the beast” as Brecht would have said ”is always pregnant” and that fascism is a permanent category of human history”. With these last statements the secret is revealed and that is the reason why even some left-wing newspaper has accepted Wiesel’s testimony for publication without any leanings towards impartiality.
(Translation into English by Terry Marshall) [This article was published on these Italian journals: Rinascita, L'Altra Voce, Ciaoeuropa, il Quotidiano di Caserta, Ordine Futuro, Il Popolo d'Italia]

Antonella Ricciardi